October, 14
Dear parents,

During the second week of October, a warmer and cozier ambience was spread all over OC-K School by all the activities we did together that had to do with letter "Cc": whether it was collectively crafting and decorating a three-tier cake, lighting up and blowing out candles, fantasizing about a world made out of cookies and candies, or simply enjoying the sweet smell of freshly baked cupcakes.
To sum up the week, it felt like a big tender hug!
Mr. Anton, Ms. Liana, Ms. Stacie and Ms. Daliya


Dear parents,
As always, we are delighted to share with you our weekly crafts and worksheets. This week we have met another beautiful letter which is "Cc".
As usual, we have written, colored and traced a lot! We had a wonderful time with making clocks, cupcakes, carrots and everything related to letter "Cc". It was so much fun to bake our chocolate cupcakes for cooking time. We hope you will love it! Next week we'll meet the letter "Dd" and discover numerous interesting things about dinosaurs!
Best regards,
Ms. Liana


Dear parents,
Letter Cc gave us the opportunity to do so many interesting crafts such as cupcakes, candy apples, clocks. We even made a huge cardboard cake and blew out the candles on top. We learned many new songs and poems. For science, we took a closer look at candles. It was great!
Math lessons are going quite good, the children are very eager to work in their books. Literacy lessons they like a bit less. It's hard to remember all the rules of proper writing, but we're not going to give up. Practice makes perfect!
Have a good weekend,
Ms. Stacie
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